Land at Peaks Hill Farm


Hallam Land Management and IBA Planning Limited have submitted a planning application for land at Peaks Hill Farm in Carlton in Lindrick parish on the northern edge of Worksop. The submitted planning application can be viewed on Bassetlaw District Council’s website (application reference number 23/01429/OUT).

The site lies between the A60 Carlton Road and the B6045 Blyth Road. It is identified as an allocation for residential-led, mixed use development in the emerging Bassetlaw Local Plan (2020-2038) under POLICY 16: Site HS1: Peaks Hill Farm, Worksop.

The proposed development is for a mixed use urban extension to Worksop, providing up to 1,120 dwellings and land for around 1,000 jobs within a high quality green setting which is respectful of its location adjacent to the existing settlement and countryside edge.

This development has the opportunity to provide new, high-quality homes, local shops and community facilities, a site for a school and employment land to expand upon the successful Carlton Forest Industrial Estate. The site will also deliver a new link road built to distributor standards between the A60 Carlton Road and the B6405 Blyth Road, reducing the impact of development traffic on the wider network and provide some localised benefits to existing highway users by providing an alternative route between the two transport corridors.

The development would be delivered within a framework of generous green spaces including enhanced existing woodlands and delivering a mix of open spaces including play areas, sports pitches and well connected walking and cycling routes to deliver long term benefits for biodiversity and recreation. Additionally, wetlands, grasslands, tree and hedgerow planting will be delivered, designed to increase biodiversity across the site.

Our Aims

  • Placemaking – Employing a ‘ground up’ landscape-led strategy which uses the site’s key existing features such as the woodlands, trees and hedgerows to create a green framework and an attractive setting for new and existing development.
  • Community – Providing a development framework which ensures new buildings, infrastructure and open spaces are sensitively designed and respect the existing residents and properties.
  • Environment – Retaining the existing woodland at Peaks Hill, Gateford Hill and Long Plantation and creating new additional green spaces and planting around these features, as well as developing a wider network of blue and green infrastructure.
  • Accessibility – providing a coherent and connected layout of streets and routes that are direct, accessible and easy to navigate. The strategy would be to include a series of new recreational routes to encourage healthy active lifestyles, with access to public transport, education, local shops, jobs and green spaces.
  • Connectivity – Ensuring that the development is well connected to Worksop, designing in opportunities for walking, cycling and utilising public transport. A new connection between the A60 and Blyth Road will also be created, helping to alleviate existing congestion in the local area and designed sympathetically to minimise environmental impacts.
  • Use the site’s woodland, trees and hedgerows to create a green framework for the development

  • Respect neighbouring residential properties

  • Provide opportunities for neighbours to access new green spaces and facilities

  • Manage woodland at Peak Hill, Gateford Hill and Long Plantation and provide new green space and planting to maximise biodiversity net gain

  • Sympathetic design of the new distributor road to minimise landscape impact

  • Create new recreational routes to encourage healthy active lifestyles

  • Deliver good quality market and affordable homes, employment opportunities and an attractive and healthy environment in which to live and work