Design Considerations

Policy 15 – HS1 Peak Hill Farm, Worksop (draft allocation) 63.7ha

School – 2.5ha of serviced land and appropriate financial contributions towards enabling a 2-form entry secondary school satellite facility on site to address pupil growth associated with the development

Sports Pitch

Local Centre

Sympathetically designed distributor road working within the landform and minimising effect on existing woodland as well as planting new woodland.

Greenway onto Carlton Road with new woodland planting to filter views alongside naturalistic drainage features and wildflower grassland.

Site is visually contained by wooded ridge and Worksop. New woodland planting on northern edge can strengthen this and add to wooded character.

Green buffers needed between woodland and new development, could include green open space, areas for play and recreation, woodland and wildflower meadows for biodiversity.

Designing development parcels and housing plots so they actively face woodland and green spaces and have a positive relationship with the site’s landscape context.

Opportunities to create green space and habitat creation on the southern edge of the development, with habitats connecting with Gateford Hill.

Encouraging pedestrian connectivity in the form of interconnected routes around, and through, the development, as well as access into the wider countryside.

Sustainable Urban Drainage Features

Landscaped Gateway

Green Infrastructure

One of the key underlying themes of this proposal is the retention and enhancement of the existing woodlands on-site to create unique features for the new community. Through the design process, we are looking at complementing these features with new areas of open space and planting, that also deliver biodiversity enhancements.

Community facilities

The delivery of new housing will require new infrastructure and community facilities to serve new residents as well as existing ones. The masterplan will be designed to accommodate a new satellite secondary school, a new local centre and a community hub providing new sports pitches. In addition, financial contributions will also be provided to the improvement of existing facilities elsewhere.

Movement and Access

The development will be designed to provide new opportunities and to encourage walking and cycling for new and existing residents. These routes will be designed to provide attractive boulevards that create a welcoming and safe environment for users. The site will also be accessible by public transport by extending existing bus services.

Distributor Road

To help alleviate traffic congestion in Worksop and to improve connectivity around the town, a new distributor road will be provided between the A60 Carlton Road and the B6045 Blyth Road. Consultation is underway with Nottinghamshire County Highways and Bassetlaw District Council regarding the broad design principles of the new distributor road and its junctions. The road will be designed to provide an appropriate, sympathetic route that minimises its impact on the woodland and functions with the new development.

The design of the urban extension is evolving in response to feedback from the stakeholder consultation which took place in early 2022. We are keen to continue the dialogue with local people as we finalise / move to an agreed masterplan, and held a public consultation in February to April 2023 so we could consider further feedback.